Wednesday 11 April 2018

How can physical education be used to promote well-being in primary education


Physical education is extremely important for children’s wellbeing within primary education. Donaldson, (2015) States how Health and wellbeing is one of 6 areas of learning, he states how this area of learning and experience draws on subjects and themes from PE, mental, physical and emotional wellbeing, sex and relationships, parenting, healthy eating and cooking, substance misuse, work related learning and experience and learning for life.
Donaldson, (2015) states the 4 purposes of the curriculum, one of these being;  “Healthy, confident individuals who: apply knowledge about the impact of diet and exercise on physical and mental health in their daily livesknow how to find the information and support to keep safe and well take part in physical activity – take measured decisions about lifestyle and manage riskhave the confidence to participate in performance”.
Therefor by Donaldson making a big impact on physical education within the curriculum, should help to promote physical education further in primary education, which instantly will promote well-being.

Harold W, et al (2013) states that school's physical education programs are being enhanced through the incorporation of active video exercise games, also known as exergaming, such as Nintendo wii, playstations and video exercise games. This is a fantastic way for physical education to engage children in participating and to promote wellbeing in primary education to engage children in participating and to promote wellbeing in primary education. Stainano & Calvert, (2011) illustrate that Exergaming can be used as the way to get those who are overweight to engage in exercise. This would link perfectly into the new curriculum as Donaldson, (2015) states that the new curriculum approach responsibilities is to ensure that digital competence framework and 'routes to learning digital competence' should be developed and included as a cross-curriculum responsibility. 

Reflecting critically on my own personal experience and evaluations that I have encountered throughout working as a play worker at St Brides Major, I have delivered exergaming activities to the children. These were extremely successful in the sense that all the children enjoyed this activity, and all got involved. However, thinking critically there were limitations to the exergaming as some of the children on the Nintendo Wii had to create a ‘mii’ identical to themselves and enter their height and weight. This became an issue for the children which are overweight and there were a few children who did not enjoy aspects of the activities for body conscious reasons. Similarly comparing this to theory, Maloney, A. E. (2013) states that the effect of seeing oneself on screen in exergames, such as Eye Toy Kinetics or XBOX kinect, can decrease exercise self-efficacy and reduce enjoyment of exercise for body-conscious individuals. Another approach that I have personally taken myself to improve physical education for the children at St Brides primary school is physical education sessions during the after school club, such as dance, gymnastics and football. This is an excellent way to promote physical activity by promoting physical education in after school clubs and school clubs. 

Another approach that is used today In Wales is the "Climbing Higher" programme. Welsh gov, (2009) states that the climbing higher was launched in 2005 with its aim to set out a long term strategic vision to place sport and physical activity at the heart of welsh life and focus on government policy. Since this date many strategies have been in place such as "The free swimming programme has been rolled out across Wales and the 5X60 secondary school programme has been introduced" Welsh Gov,(2009 p.8).

  An increasing issue within wales is obesity in young children. BBC news have stated that they have been given extra funding to tackle obesity issues. BBC news, (2014) state that Extra funding designed to boost sport in primary schools could be used to tackle childhood obesity, says Ofsted. Therefor extra funding should be able to help the schools with any children which are obese and need extra guidance to tackle the issue. Welsh News, (2014) state that Schools should "consider better ways" of using the cash to improve pupils' health and wellbeing, particularly to tackle obesity, say the inspectors.
An example that where the monday was successully used as Welsh News, (2014) state that a school in suffolk used some of the premium to employ a nutritionist to work with a small number of overweight pupils and their parents on a diet and lifestyles, and the results were that the pupils increased their levels of physical activity and were more confident about joining in.

Therefor overall there are many ways that physical education is being used to promote health and wellbeing, overall by the new curriculum change, the exergaming that is in place, programmes that are in place such as the ‘climb higher programme, and by extra funding. Donaldson, (2015) states that the ‘healthy, confident individuals’ purpose of the curriculum ensured that children are undertaking regular physical activity. 


BBC NEWS, (2014) Schools urged to use PE cash to help obese pupils.

Donaldson, G. (2015). Successful Futures. [online] Available at:

Harold W. Kohl III and Heather D. Cook (2013) Educating the Student Body: Taking Physical Activity and Physical Education to School. (1st ed) . Washington: National Academinc of Sciences, pp.5-6.

Maloney, A. E., Stempel, A., Wood, M.E., Patratis, C., & Beaudoin, C. (2013) Can dance exergames boost physical activity as a school-based intervention? Games for health Journal, 1

Staiano, A. E., & Calvert, S. L. (2011). Exergames for physical education courses: Physical, social, and cognitive benefits. Child Development Perspectives, 5, 93–98

Welsh Government (2009). Creating an Active Wales. Wales, pp.8-11.


  1. I found your post interesting to read. particularly that of what you mentioned on obesity.
    I understand that childhood obesity is an ongoing problem which is affecting many children, although this could be a result of a bad diet or health issue, exercise plays a key role in keeping children healthy.
    As Donaldson (2015) mentions in the curriculum reform, the school should be an appropriate healthy setting in which the children have access to.
    It is also stated in the reform that Donaldson (2015) supports the 'All Wales healthy child programme' which is currently under development with the welsh government.
    What are your personal views on the strategies used by the Government in order to reduce over-weight and obese children?
    Do you think that enough support is given to tackle this problem.

    I also noticed that you stated that video games are being used more frequent within settings to promote health and well-being and as a technique for obese children to exercise.
    But according to LeBlanc et al., (2013) the use of active video games are being associated with negative health affects.
    What are your views on this? do you believe these would be beneficial within a primary setting?

    Donaldson, G. (2015). Successful Futures. Independant review of the curriculum and assessment arrangements in wales, pp.13-21.

    LeBlanc, A., Chaput, J., McFarlane, A., Colley, R., Thivel, D., Biddle, S., Maddison, R., Leatherdale, S. and Tremblay, M. (2013). Active Video Games and Health Indicators in Children and Youth: A Systematic Review.

    1. That’s an interesting point Chelsea, Obesity is an increasing issue for children in Wales. Public Health England, (2016) state that "Compared with England and Scotland, Wales has the highest prevalence of overweight and obese children aged 4 to 5 years: 26.9% in boys and 25.4% in girls". Similarly Shield, (2011) states that obesity rates in children have almost tripled in the last 25 years.Therefore obesity in children is becoming a huge issue.
      My personal view on these strategies that you have stated such as the “healthy child Wales” are that it is a great idea, and hopefully it will tackle the issue. Welsh Gov, (2016) illustrate that Healthy Child Wales will establish a universal health programme for all families with 0 – 7 year old children. I believe this is a fantastic opportunity and a great prevention to tackle obesity for this age group, but thinking critically a better approach would be for all school ages throughout primary education. I like the idea that the programme works with families, as the issue could be that parents are unaware of how to cook healthy meals, or provide a healthy balanced lifestyle for their children.
      I believe exergaming can be beneficial approach to primary education for the children as it fits in line with the new curriculum approach, Donaldson, (2015) states that digital competence plays an increasingly powerful role in the lives of children and young people, for communication, networking, information, leisure and entertainment. This would link mainly into entertainment, as it’s a fun and engaging way to engage children into physical education especially those who are not interested in keeping fit and healthy. Although I have stated many benefits to the exergaming, as you have stated there are also negatives to exergaming which I agree there could be. Daley, (2009) states that although active gaming is fun there is no substitute for real sports and activities and the amount of social interaction is low. Therefore as exergaming is keeping fit through a computer, then children are missing out on social opportunities in teams and groups.

      Public Health England (2016). Child obesity international comparisons data factsheet. England, pp.3-4.

      Welsh Gov (2016). Universal child health programme launched. Wales, pp.1-2.

      Shields, M.(2011) Overweight Canadian children and adolescents. Statistics Canada: Canada's national statistical agency / Statistique Canada : Organisme statistique national du Canada.

      Donaldson, G. (2015). Successful Futures. Independant review of the curriculum and assessment arrangements in wales.
